Sorry that I haven't blogged in a while! Things have been crazy at my school... we are getting ready for student-led conferences tomorrow (I'll make sure to post about how that goes-it's usually GREAT!) and Friday which means it is report card testing time! This, in turn, leaves me very forgetful when it comes to taking cute pictures of the kiddos working hard in the classroom! I am usually in the back corner with a bunch of data books asking the kids to count to 100 by 1s and 10s... ANYWAYS! We have been out of school for 2 days due to snow and I was ready to do something fun!
Even though the data books of which I speak are not my favorite thing in the world...they do cause me to notice certain trends in what my kiddos know and don't know. One of the things I realized was that more than a couple of my students were really struggling with rhyming words. This really surprised me because I feel like we have done a thousand rhyming activities..but I thought it definitely couldn't hurt to go back and do some more. SO I stared thinking of something fun I could do to practice word families and BOOM! Word. Family. Headbands! My kiddos love ANYTHING involving headbands, puppets, bracelets....just anything made out of paper I guess..anyways..I keep getting to the point!
These headbands have the word family on them, some words that end in the word family, and then the kids are responsible for sounding out 4 of the CVC words that end in that word family. They colored the headband and cut them out. I made them into headbands using sentence strips. You could also use strips of construction paper or whatever you have lying around! I told my littles that their homework was to wear the headband home and teach their mom, dad, grandma, grandpa - whoever was at home - all about the word family we covered today!
These headbands have the word family on them, some words that end in the word family, and then the kids are responsible for sounding out 4 of the CVC words that end in that word family. They colored the headband and cut them out. I made them into headbands using sentence strips. You could also use strips of construction paper or whatever you have lying around! I told my littles that their homework was to wear the headband home and teach their mom, dad, grandma, grandpa - whoever was at home - all about the word family we covered today!
Here are some photos:

You can purchase these here by clicking the image below!
I hope your kiddos have as much fun with these as mine did!
HAPPY HUMP DAY! :) where's my taco bueno??? ;-)
-Mrs. Briggs
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